Thursday, July 06, 2006

thursday morning, already 34 degrees

so the director called in sick, and I am on my summer break. now. just when I had managed to cope with another long long hours of heat in my black rehearsal coat, he cancelled the last week, and we shall continue in 5 weeks. it really took me by surprise, as I have to actually plan my summer now. so, still steak-stuffed from last night's barbecue, I adjusted my plans to my time and money capacities, and it's gonna be fine. ready for takeoff- landlord placated, plants all dead, worn out and tired of the city, new summer tunes on my ipod.

and yes, I was taken aback a little when I participated in this people's blogging behaviour study. "is it easy for you to get people to like you?" well, what does that have anything to do with it? I am not writing this for some stranger to fall in love with me, I am rather risking some weird opinion nazis to comment on my pretty private musings. I don't know. too much space in my head, I keep thoroughly thinking about every little incident that ever happens to me. maybe the liking-thing was what irked me most. I am aware that I have done that far too much before, and I am quitting. it's so much nicer. though, I will always engage in long and lost debates with random sect members in the precinct. I just cannot, cannot understand how so many (young!) people prefer to live with blinders and actually get mad at me for socratically weisenheimering them.
oh, that is so much fun.

because, if I can't sleep at night because the world is so full of wonderful weird things, neither shall you.


Blogger florian said...

what paranoia?

I quit being nice to people I don't particularly like, just so that they would like me. I am a nice person altogether, I think. but sometimes weird people kind of smell that and try to piss you off for no reason. those people will wake up one morning and...

I'm good.

Thursday, July 06, 2006 9:25:00 pm  

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