it must have been months ago when I had nothing better to do than advertise my humble, random blogism on a site called 25peeps. apparently, it takes a while before one's picture is appearing there, and I had completely forgotten about it. and now I seem to be up against a lot of boobs. drawn ones, photoshopped ones, obvious ones and artsy ones. I do not expext to make it there for long. oh, well.
I know I haven't written too much lately, and nothing witty or interesting in particular, either. so, all you people not going for the boobs (for whatever noble reason): sorry. it's just that a lot of good stuff has actually happened to me lately, and I find it much more comforting to whine about the suck than praise my happy hours. those I celebrate offline, I guess.
I might easily complain about stuff, though (always!):
worst one today: at tonights performance, the gun that is repeatedly pointed at my head was not secured. I saw it in the very first scene and knew that there was nothing much I could do. the suspense was all method tonight! I didn't get shot, though. when I told the props guy, he acted as if it was totally unnecessary to worry about that. I told him that it was indeed totally necessary that he knew that him doing his fucking job was totally necessary, next time I would point that very gun at his sorry head. he understood.
and once more: being high-maintenance pays off. my sally earned me both respect and a secure gun tomorrow. mum, I know you're not reading this, but I am going to teach my kids to hit back. being nice kind of equals being a pushover (by the way, I hope ban ki moon's mum knew better!).
I could go on and on, like, how my otherwise so begrandmaed gym was flooded with underage muscle studs today (who needs to see those, really!), how I still cannot bear people talking during a movie, how the movie was kinda dull (yeah, they all wore prada, but it was not all that diabolic, really), how I tried in vain to pull the damn threads from my gums myself but the scissors were old and rusty,
but instead I am happy and will try and figure out the recipe for this quiche anne and I had in paris. she is coming tomorrow, and I shall not be posting sweet nothings for a while, and therefore be kicked off the 25peeps, and you can all go for 25boobs again.