this morning, I went to the nasty department store I wrote about earlier. the one with the escalators, you know. and when I had decided to rather have the cartridges for my printer refilled instead of buying new ones, I left with only the bottle of shampoo I had purchased before. on my way out, this thing on the exit started beeping, but then again, they do that sometimes, and I haven't shoplifted since I was nine (a brazil nut). I checked again, no beep this time, and I was about to leave the store. two seconds later, the security agent came up to me and asked me to show him the contents of my bag. now you have to know, I am no brave person sometimes. I immediately searched my brain for
something I might have done wrong, but didn't find anything. plus, if anyone had smuggled anything
into my bag there would be none of my
fingerprints on there, now, would there. for a second I thought, hey wait a minute,
don't you know who I am?, but really, most people don't, and he was one of them. so I let him ransack my bag. and he found lozenges, used hankies, some aspirin, and eye make up remover (it is absolutely essential in my job, it just is. you other blokes don't know). funny look from him. I didn't bother try to tell him why. unfortunately, I had taken my old socks out of the bag just about an hour ago.
well, of course, he found nothing (I wouldn't keep my prey in my bloody shoulder bag, anyway!), and he apologized.
I thought of how he would forever fail to compensate for the shame he had put upon me, but he was already gone.
I hate that store.