Tuesday, January 23, 2007

four a.m. and trouble sleeping

after a false appendix alarm made me realise that I do indeed have physical limits, I had a weekend full of little lessons in general living. cancelling a show sure felt awful, but the plentiful reassuring of the people around me made it ok. I felt like such a loser, my own body depriving me of all power. but when later that day I walked three steps, only to find they exhausted me so much I had to lay down and sleep for one hour, I was glad I had no audience. I feel better today, not perfect, but surprisingly calm and serene. it was okay. my friends and colleagues are amazing, I actually missed them when I was home for the one day.
later, I stayed in bed with a cup of lukewarm, flat coke and watched "studio 60". and once again my faith in mankind has been restored. kudos, mr sorkin, I am bowing my most humble thanks.
and now it's tuesday morning 4 am, and I am listening to corinne bailey rae's "trouble sleeping".
having the very same.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

sore bones and a happy soul

it's done. I survived opening night. and it was fun.
the entire week we spent with dress rehearsals and sort of previews, and it was so physically demanding that I did not have much energy left for worrying. which was a good thing. we got thursday morning off to recreate, and I was glad to be back in the theatre thursday night. when friday came, I was so exhausted that I couldn't but just do it and look forward to it. I got about a billion cards from friends and family and fellow ensemble mates, and it was just amazing. when we actually started the performance, it felt okay. there were some very young students in the audience who were quite noisy, and it became clear through the first acts that they would not keep from commeting (the most sad and shocking: "man, whatever, they, like, didn't even, like, have jeans in the middle ages, duh."). plus, a few very conservative spectators felt the need to share their outrage ("but it's a classic!"), and that sure felt weird. at one point, when I was doing a scene with the baronesse and prepared for the consummation of the marriage she wanted (I took off my shirt and opened my belt, no more), someone shouted "nooo" from the balcony. that confused me, as our production is rather strict and close to the original play, and actually quite far from wannabe modern crap theatre. during intermission I was torn between fear and wrath, and used the latter for the opening monologue in the second half. it worked well, and I completely forgot about the audience later and enjoyed myself immensely. it is so much fun to surf through a well written and well directed evening, and the final ovations were overwhelming. some booed, but had decided to do so even before we had begun: the intendant later told us that he had overheard an elderly couple on the way to their seats. as soon as they had seen the non-classic sets on stage, they knew the whole evening was going to be a desaster. which is fine. I like it. it seems to be surpisingly controversial, the reviews have all been pretty good and accurate, which is wonderful.
oh, yes, and I threw up a little in the 5th act. the props people had given us fizzy water instead of still, and as I had thoroughly poisened my love and myself, I felt like I was going to burst. three bottles I drink. when I bent down in the end to find her dead, some water came out of my mouth and dramatically ran down my chin. gross, I thought at first, but very method, I figured later. you know, dying of poison and all, a little vomit is very realistic. and it was only water. the premiere bash was healthy and cheap for me: due to storage problems, I drank one small beer the whole night only. we will see how the performances go, I am looking forward to playing. and now that I know how some people find it controversial, I am prepared. after all, I know all the damn lines, the lights are all on me, and I can pretty much yell louder than any creep in the audience. this is gonna be fun.
and you know what else is fun? celebrating my first real day off since early november by not setting the alarm and having hours for my morning coffee. knowing it will all start again soon, but not just yet. I dig the ups and downs.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


I seem to have a strange problem right now: I want to but cannot procrastinate. I always seem to end up productive.
let me ease you in: big scary opening night is tomorrow, and until today, I never had but one minute to start worrying about that. now the director gave us the day off to relax, recharge, and to generally not go crazy. and naturally, my wicked brain wants to use the extra time to raise all kinds of questions, and I know from experience than no good can ever come from that. so, I figured I'd procrastinate. do whatever, just keep myself busy so my mind will have a chance to stay sane. and here is the thing: when having to procrastinate, I cannot do it. I tried hard. watched old "house" episodes, had coffee, played that little computergame where the little people start screaming if you don't provide enough whatever, wrote emails, and surfed youtube. all at the same time. and it doesn't fucking work. even now, as I am writing this as my last desperate attempt to keep myself from going coo-coo, I cannot help but notice THE FEAR slowly creeping up my spine. why now? why at all? and you know, it's not like I could FACE my fear. it's on my fucking spine.
yeah, yeah, I know, when the thing you fear the most is the thing you love the most... how great... how amazing... how enviable... how good and right and to be happy about...
how fucking scary.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

oh, yes, happy new year and such.

still busy as hell and scared as even heller, I know I have been negligent of keeping my blog posted. when there is so much I meant to write about. I was planning a jolly song about being a drama critic, the vivid description of christmas at home after the third bottle of wine, and my new year's resolution: I want to be nicer to people who are stupid assholes but don't know better, because they are just fucking hypocrites who... well, I realise it is the 4th of January already, so my resolution is keeping me from going on about that. I want to be nicer. to people.
that's hard.
but the drama critic song I will write, nonetheless. they are not really people, you know.